Get Your Power Back Worksheet

Get Your Power Back Worksheet

Reclaim Your Power

If you’re like most high-achieving women you know that in order to progress in life you have to have high confidence and be willing to bet on yourself.

But that sometimes gets difficult when you have areas in your life where you lack confidence. The question is what's blocking your confidence. What is it that is making you feel less sure of yourself in certain areas? I can almost always pinpoint this feeling of inadequacy to a relationship. Rather it be doubts, fears or lack of validation, these feelings root from somewhere. With this worksheet we're going to practice forgiving the person who made you feel this way, forgive yourself for giving them that much say so over your life and take your power back.

Once you complete these steps you'll be able to set healthy boundaries and ensure that you're being respected (self respect and respect from others) which in turn allow you to trust your abilities to shine.


Joi Donnell: Forgiveness can be a tough pill to swallow, when you can't wrap your minds around the fact that someone you love and care about would do something to hurt you. When someone doesn't love you back the way that you love them, it's hurtful. For these reasons, when Toni presented the forgiveness worksheet to me it was extremely challenging. But hey, no challenge, no growth... right? Toni's techniques allowed me to examine how my limiting thoughts and beliefs of today were connected to my unhealed inner child. The worksheet allowed me to take a deeper look at those I felt had wronged me and understand that these individuals could only love me based on their experiences and what they know. Toni also offered the concept of forgiving and extending grace to those who hurt you as well as to yourself. Holding on to hurt, pain, and trauma keeps you in a place of stagnation. Toni helped me to break free of those unforgiveness restraints; allowing me to flow more freely into the woman God intended me to be... one that lives in The Power She Holds!!