How To Create Your Own Definition of Success
Last fall, I caught myself moping around my apartment wishing I was home with my loved ones as they celebrated their birthdays. I sat back reflecting on how I was home alone while my loved ones were together -- building moments, experiences and stronger bonds. I finally asked myself a question I hadn’t thought to ask months back, “Why am I even here?”. Well, answering my own question, I wanted to be successful. I wanted to go back and forth to New York City-- since the bus ride was only four hours away-- and rub shoulders with the “in people”, I wanted to be acknowledged for my brilliant ideas and prove that I was worth it. I asked myself another question, “Is that success to you?”.
A common theme I see in ambitious people is committing to ideal opportunities to be successful without identifying what their personal success looks like. I decided to look further into this. Ambitious individuals land the “perfect opportunity” by following the rules taught in school, advice from the well-off people around them, and pressure from their parents who insist that they know what is best for their child. Something that also stood out is this persistent group of individuals did not consider their thoughts ideas and inner voice when making decisions. This is where the unsatisfied feeling formed. Let’s take a look into how an individual who is ambitious can create their own definition of success and take steps to live a more satisfying lifestyle.
Identify What Makes You Fulfilled
Before going out to chase success you have to define success. Is being successful having money; is being successful moving humanity; or is being successful building a family? Identify what success looks like for you. What brings you joy? Your success and what makes you happy may differ from what your peers, family and mentors define as happiness. So before you can go out and create a plan to be successful, you have to identify what it is that will make you feel content and fulfilled.
Do Not Let Others Limitations Determine Your Mission
Oftentimes we look to people who seem to have it all and ask them how did they get there. We also look at folks who seem to have less and wonder how they got there. Take precautions when deciding to follow in someone else’s footsteps. Realize that what someone else did or told you may have been based on their own understandings, courage and fears. Although it is great to be connected with someone who actually took steps to their vision, taking advice with a grain of salt will keep you aligned with what it is that you see for yourself. Begin listening for advice that is personalized for you and advice that is filled with fear.
Believe in Yourself and Execute
Deciding to go after what it is that makes you feel fulfilled can be a very challenging route. There will be times that you wonder if what people were telling you about how to be successful was right. But continue to keep in mind the end goal that you have in mind. Believe that you can achieve the larger goal and create smaller steps to get there and execute.