Take A Break- You Won't Become A Failure
For many of us taking a break is not an option —we don't want to miss our next big opportunity. This go-getter mentality is definitely a good quality to have, but it can also lead to overload.
Here are a two major reasons why taking a break can be healthy and even spark creativity:
1.It allows us to experience: Being on go often results in us missing the present moment. We don’t get to smell the flowers because we’re busy planting and moving on to the next bush. Taking a break allows for us to feel, experience and be inspired.
2. It allows for us to let go and let God: A lot of you have probably heard that saying, “Let go and let God,”. The concept of taking a break allows you to do just that. You’ve put in your work and made sure all that you can control was in control, but ultimately God has the final say. By taking a break you’re trusting that great things will manifest for you.
If you are having a hard time stepping back watch this video and apply the steps I outlined. For more videos subscribe to my Youtube channel. And as always, I'd love to hear from you. Leave a comment if you are committed to giving yourself permission to take a break.