3 Step Strategy to Get You to Your Goals
Perfection is a Myth: Your Guide to
As a hard working woman you know that getting things done, and getting them done right is the key to progress, but you also know that aiming to make no mistakes is impossible. In my new e-book I talk about the steps to self-acceptance which demolishes this invisible idea of perfection.
How To Empower Your Voice In 7 Days
or Less
Many women lose sight of their ideas, aspirations and wants because people around them have not coined their ideas as golden tickets. They are used to doing what their peers say is the right thing to do instead of what is actually right for them.
If this is you, this 5 step tip sheet will help empower your voice and motivate you to go after your calling. This tip sheet will also help you recognize the habits that keep you from taking action.
Get Your Power Back Worksheet
If you’re like most high-achieving women you know that to progress in life you have to have high confidence and be willing to bet on yourself. But that sometimes gets difficult when you have areas in your life where you lack confidence. The question is what's blocking your confidence?
Rather it be doubts, fears or lack of validation, these feelings root from somewhere. This worksheet will give you steps to forgive those traumatic experiences and take your power back.

Client Testimonials
“When I stopped being afraid to let others down, I was able to elevate myself.”
This site is dedicated to helping women recovering from tough relationships unlearn the rules so they can show up authentic & flourish. What I learned on my journey of self-discovery was happiness starts with ME. Chasing the approval of others and what they determined as successful would only leave me one way —never satisfied. Women must create healthy relationships with themselves to understand their wants and needs, leading them to the realities they dream of.
We created a three-step strategy to help women identify their passion to unlock their life’s purpose.
Contact: thunt@thepowersheholds.com

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Don't let those difficult emotions go unnoticed. Learn how to acknowledge, validate and create healthy emotions to create a better relationship with self.